Wednesday, April 3, 2013



To:  The reader
From:  The author
Date:  mm/dd/yyyy
Subject: Author's notice

Hello and welcome to the first post of the critical analysis and application of organizational communication. Beware of slight sarcasm and humor. The proceeding posts are written by a sharp witted student at Oregon State University.

She's a Keizerite completing her final year of higher education and preparing to put her management and entrepreneurship degree to starting a blog. Make note of her background that influences her perceptions. 

Developed from a stereotypical family dynamic--father, mother (still together), older brother (who always started the fights), and herself (the perfect child). 

She is internationally cultured: having studied in Spain, been on several Mission Trips to Mexico, and experienced the uniqueness of Ireland, Italy, and France. 

Finally, she is biased towards anything related to soccer, art, food or music. 

Through various postings for a communication course, she will breakdown the communication associated with organizations and the practical application of their theories. 

Comment and contribute valuable feedback. Follow the blog (it's the new thing to do) and let the improvements of understanding organizational communication begin. 

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